Friday, 5 August 2011

UPS Battery Monitoring System (UBMS)


Corporate executives face the daunting task of assuring the business is taking all steps possible to comply with diverse regulatory standards and regulations. Near the top of most lists are the needs to protect data integrity, to assure constant access to data and to eliminate any breaks in data.

Common among the many digital elements required to achieve compliance success is the need for resilient electric power. To assure electric power is available under all conditions, capital dollars are expended for backup power systems. This is where a monitoring system is required to indicate the functionality of the backup power system is dependable.

Every anomaly or outage in utility power has the potential to instantly corrupt the processes that our economy depends on daily. With every power disruption the lead acid battery, the heart of your power backup systems, supply power to ensure business continuity. Failure of any link within the power chain has the potential to corrupt data, interrupt networks and bring business to a halt.
UPS Battery Monitoring System
  • A battery monitor is a product that tracks, analyzes and reports on the condition of each individual battery in a system.
  • Astro is using BTECH battery monitoring system

·        Uses a pulsed DC impedance system that does not discharge the batteries during the measurement cycle.
·        Its unaffected by AC ripple and does not use AC ripple to measure impedance. (uses test load of 2.5-10A RMS,  produces results with a high signal to noise ratio and includes comprehensive noise analysis and filtering.)
·        Single cell level monitoring wherever possible

The abovementioned points are advantages of the BTECH monitoring system.

How does battery monitoring (BTECH) work?

·        A sensing wiring harness over each battery
·        This harness is used to measure each individual battery cell voltage, impedance and temperature, plus the current and voltage during a discharge.
·        This data is pooled by the BTECH software package
·        The controller alerts the user for alarm conditions via various ways ( email, text etc.)
By knowing the battery’s baseline impedance, it is possible to correlate the impedance rise with a meaningful determination of the end of its service life.

 BTECH Software

·        Consists of two components:
i)                    Battery Validation System (BVS) Observer
ii)                   Battery Validation Manager (BVM)

·        The Observer works as a listener. It collects and distributes data and alarms automatically from the system.

·        The BVM is the primary user interface with the SCM600 and the archived
data. It stores and retrieves data (such as impedance, temperature, etc.) and plots its respective graphs.

Types of Alarm

·        Maintenance Alarm
o       Intended to advice the user that the values are moving closer to Critical Limits and should be monitored more closely
·        Critical Alarm
o       As the name suggests, it indicates that the values are exceeding its accepted limits. These are defined as below:
§         System Voltage – upper and lower float voltage values are used as the basis for calculating the battery string limits
§         Unit Voltage- battery manufactures established limits
§         Impedance- A value of 30% above either the average value of all the unit impedances or the initial impedance recorded for each unit
§         Temperature- upper and lower user defined limits that reflect environmental conditions at the battery location or a 15°F differential on any of the temperature sensors.

Recognizing, Acknowledging and Clearing Alarms


                                                              i.      The (S5:find logo) logo turns red indicating the location has an alarm
                                                            ii.      Click the expand tree
                                                          iii.      Select “Alarms and Alerts” to show list of alarms


                                                              i.      Click on “Locations”
                                                            ii.      Click on “Acknowledge Selected Location’s BVS Alarms and Alerts”
                                                          iii.      If they are multiple alarms present, it is possible to “Acknowledge all BVS Alarms and Alerts”


                                                              i.      Click on the battery string icon
                                                            ii.      Right click and select “Acknowledge Alarms”
                                                          iii.      However, this clearance only applies to the alarms generated by the SCM600 software. The alarms generated and displayed on the battery map by the analysis software are only cleared when the condition that caused the alarm is restored

Real Time Mode

i)        Click on “Communications”
ii)      Select “Establish Communications with Controller”
iii)    Click on “No” to retrieving the data from the controller
iv)    Click on “Enable Real-time”
v)      The view currently displayed is the real-time view
vi)    When done, click “Disable Real-time to return to normal operation

Monday, 20 June 2011

Power transformers

  • Passive device that transfers alternating current (AC) from one circuit through electromagnetic induction
  • Normally consist of a ferromagnetic core and two or more coils ( windings)

  • Changing current in the primary winding creates an alternating magnetic field in the core. The core multiplies this field and couples most of the flux through the secondary windings. This in turn induces an alternating voltage (emf) in each of the secondary coil in accordance to Faraday’s law

  • Power transformers
    •  Laminated core
    • Toroidal
    • Autotransformer
    • Variac
    • Induction regulator
    • Stray field transformer
    • Polyphase transformer
    • Resonant transformer
    • Constant voltage transformer
    • Ferrite core
    • Planar transformer
    • Oil cooled transformer
    • Cast resin transformer
    • Isolating transformer

  • Instrument transformers
    • Current transformer     
    • Voltage transformer

  • Pulse transformers
  • RF transformers
  • Air core transformers
  • Ferrite-core transformers
  • Transmission-line transformer
  • Baluns (specifically to connect balanced and unbalanced circuits)
  • Audio transformer

This article’s main concern is power transformers. What is a power transformer? Power transformers are made from high-grade materials, a very special type of electrical steel for the core, high-grade copper for the windings, and cellulose-based paper for insulation.

A power transformer in switch mode power supply (SMPS) is designed to change amplitude of high-frequency pulses by the turns ratio and to provide isolation between circuits. Note that it can't transfer a DC component of the pulse voltage: in a steady state mode net volt-seconds across each winding should be zero, otherwise the core will saturate. DC output voltage is obtained only by using rectifiers. Nevertheless, an average voltage across a real coil's terminals can be non-zero due to non-zero coil's resistance. This DC offset can be used for lossless sensing of an average current across an inductor or a transformer winding. In general, ideal SMPS transformers need to transfer all energy instantaneously from one winding to another while storing no or little energy in the process.

Conversely, a power inductor is used in SMPS as an energy storage device. It accumulates energy in the magnetic field as current flows through it, and then transfers all or a portion of this energy into another circuit during the alternate part of the switching cycle. In power supplies the inductors are also used for filtering out high frequency currents (often called chokes). That is all the information I have for now. Will post more when I get more information.

Monday, 13 June 2011

A little more on generators

So on Friday, the 10th of June 2011, I was taken to the Genset Room ( generator set room) for the test run that is scheduled weekly. What I got from this experience was pretty interesting as I hadn’t been given this kind of opportunity before. I was briefed on how the generator works and how to use a load bank. On top of that I was allowed to play with the switches and use the load bank for a hands on experience with the machines.

 I had been previously briefed on the basic works of a generator set, and this time a little more was shared. Information such as the synchronization of the generators was explained to me. There are four factors that have to be considered in order for synchronization to take place. These four factors include voltage, frequency, phase, and phase angle.
In the past, synchronization was performed manually using three-lamp method. Nowadays, the process is automatically operated and controlled with the aid of synchronization relays. During installation of a generator, careful checks are made to ensure the generator terminals and all control wiring are correct so that the order of phases (phase sequence) matches the system. Connecting a generator with the wrong phase sequence will result in a short circuit as the system voltages are opposite to those of the generator terminal voltages. 

The sequence of events is similar for manual or automatic synchronization. The generator is brought up to approximate synchronous speed by supplying more energy to its shaft - for example, opening the valves on a steam turbine, opening the gates on a hydraulic turbine, or increasing the fuel rack setting on a diesel engine. The field of the generator is energized and the voltage at the terminals of the generator is observed and compared with the system. The voltage magnitude must be the same as the system voltage.

  Synchronization is essential for running generators on a parallel bus with other generators or the utility. The generator must be synchronized to the bus voltage reference before the paralleling switchgear will close it onto the bus. This is accomplished using a synchronizer unit, which drives the generator’s governor to control its engine speed and output voltage frequency. A generator synchronizer is also used with all closed transition transfer switches.

The synchronizer will sync the generator when a utility reference is presented to the line side of the transfer switch. This accommodates the closed transition from generator to utility. This technology has been used for many years and has evolved to greater speed of action with advancements in electronic synchronization control and governors over mechanical units. A generator synchronizer unit can also be used to hold distributed generators in sync with the utility or each other. This assures the upstream synchronization required in a distributed redundant design that utilizes Delta Conversion Technology. A PLC controller is used to sense each of the generator and utility voltage references. If a valid utility reference is available, the PLC will provide this reference to the synchronizer units that are connected to the distributed generators. If no utility is available, the PLC will pick an operating generator and use its output as the reference for the others. This will enable system synchronization in any operating condition.
Attached with this post are some pictures or the generator sets and the load bank. I was allowed to manipulate the testing of these generators with load. I also was introduced to the circuit breakers as well as the way powering up the generator up.I’ve also included a video (very shaky recording) of my experience in the generator room. Enjoy!

Friday, 10 June 2011

Power system harmonics

Power system harmonics is an area that is receiving a great deal of attention recently. This is primarily due to the fact that non-linear (or harmonic producing) loads are comprising an ever-increasing portion of the total load for a typical industrial plant. Incidence of harmonic related problems is low, but awareness of harmonic issues can help to increase plant power system reliability. On the rare occasions that harmonics are a problem, it is either due to the magnitude of the harmonics produced or a power system resonance.

The term harmonic refers to a component of a waveform that occurs at an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. Fourier theory tells us that any repetitive waveform can be defined in
terms of summing sinusoidal waveforms which are integer multiples (or harmonics) of the fundamental frequency.

It is important to understand that harmonics are a steady state phenomenon and repeat
with every 50 Hz cycle (60Hz in North America). Harmonics should not be confused with spikes, dips, impulses, oscillations or other forms of transients.

A common term that is used in relation to harmonics is Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). Another common term used is Distortion Factor (DF) which is essentially the same as THD.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the term harmonics, we can move into more detailed aspects such as what causes harmonics? Harmonics are caused by non-linear loads, which are loads that draw a non-sinusoidal current from a sinusoidal voltage source. Some examples of harmonic producing loads are electric arc furnaces, static VAR compensators, inverters, DC converters, switch-mode power supplies, and AC or DC motor drives. In the case of a motor drive, the AC current at the input to the rectifier looks more like a square wave than a sine wave.
How do harmonics affect our power system? Power system problems related to harmonics are rare but it is possible for a number of undesirable effects to occur. High levels of harmonic distortion can cause such effects as increased transformer, capacitor, motor or generator heating, incorrect operation of electronic equipment (which relies on voltage zero crossing detection or is sensitive to wave shape), incorrect readings on meters, incorrect operation of protective relays, interference with telephone circuits, etc. The likelihood of such ill effects occurring is greatly increased if a resonant condition occurs. Resonance occurs when a harmonic frequency produced by a non-linear load closely coincides with a power system natural frequency. There are 2 forms of resonance which can occur: parallel resonance and series resonance.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Chiller

What is a chiller? It is a machine that removes heat from a liquid via vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. The liquid can be circulated through a heat exchanger to cool air(or equipment) as required. It is maid out of 4 main components. These components include compressor, evaporator, condenser and a metering system.

 The basic theory behind the works of a chiller is that the water and refrigerant sucks up heat. Then it carries it to the condenser. From there it heads to the atmosphere by means of air evaporation or water cooled heat exchanger. It uses the vapor compression cycle to chill water and reject heat collected from the chilled water and heat from the compressor to a second water loop cooled by a cooling tower.

Lets talk about the components that make up a chiller and the basics of how they work. Firstly, we'll look at the evaporator. The heat exchanger that removes the building heat from the chilled water lowering the water temperature in the process. The heat is used to boil the refrigerant, changing it from liquid to gas. 
Next, lets look at the compressor. It is made up of prime mover and centrifugal compressor. The centrifugal compressor is a non-positive displacement type device. It raises the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant by converting kinetic energy to pressure energy.

Now, we shall move on to the condenser. It also works as a heat exchanger. It removes heat from the refrigerant causing it to condense from gas to liquid. The heat raises the water temperature. The condenser water then carries the heat to the cooling water then carries the heat to the cooling tower where the heat is rejected to the atmosphere.  

Finally, we can look at the expansion device. This devices comes into the picture after the refrigerant condenses to a liquid, it passes through a pressure reducing device. This is the main function of this device. It can be as simple as an orifice plate or as complicated as an electronic thermal expansion valve ( in the picture to the right ).

Now that we know how the chiller works, we can look at the Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute (ARI) standard conditions :
 i) chilled water temperature at 44° F
ii) chilled water flow rate is at 2.4 gpm/tan
iii) entering condenser water temperature at 85°F
iv) condenser water flow rate at 3.0 gpm/tan
v) 0.0001 evaporator fouling factor and 0.00025 condenser fouling factor.

The temperature change is documented by  this formula :  
        Q = WC ΔTF 

Q = quality of heat exchange (btu/hr or kw)
W = flow rate of fluid ( USgpm or l/s)
C = specific heat of fluid ( btu/lb°F /kJ/kg°C)
Δ TF = temperature change of fluid (°F or °C)

Centrifugal compressor theory :

  • Aerodynamic of turbine type
  • Move gas by converting kinetic energy to pressure energy
  • High flow rates capability and good efficiency characteristics     

Monday, 6 June 2011

Circuit Breakers ( ACB and VCB)

A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to detect a fault condition and, by interrupting continuity, to immediately discontinue electrical flow. Unlike a fuse, which operates once and then has to be replaced, a circuit breaker can be reset (either manually or automatically) to resume normal operation. Circuit breakers are made in varying sizes, from small devices that protect an individual household appliance up to large switchgear designed to protect high voltage circuits feeding an entire city.

When a current is interrupted, an arc is generated. This arc must be contained, cooled, and extinguished in a controlled way, so that the gap between the contacts can again withstand the voltage in the circuit. Different circuit breakers use vacuum, air, insulating gas, or oil as the medium in which the arc forms.
Specifically we will look at the air circuit breaker (ACB) and vacuum circuit breaker (VCB). The selection process of the kind of circuit breaker that is required depends on the levels of current in the circuit. Why? Its simply because the higher the current, the farther the arcing distance.

ACBs may use compressed air to blow out the arc, or alternatively, the contacts are rapidly swung into a small sealed chamber, the escaping of the displaced air thus blowing out the arc however, VCBs have minimal arcing (as there is nothing to ionize other than the contact material), so the arc quenches when it is stretched a very small amount (<2–3 mm). VCBs are frequently used in modern medium-voltage switchgear to 35,000 volts.

VCBs are used to protect medium and high voltage circuits from dangerous electrical situations. Two electrical contacts are enclosed in vacuum. One is fixed, the other is movable. When it detects danger, the movable contact pulls away from the fixed contact thus interrupting the current. Arcing suppressed due to the contacts being in vacuum. This ensures the circuit remains open. As long as it is open, it will not be energized. 

Current Tranformers

The term current transformer was alien to me until I witnessed the testing of the UPS system in All Asia Broadcast Centre. They were performing a primary and secondary injection, where I was asked if I knew the difference between these to injection methods. I was clueless and then briefed. The explanation was somewhere along the lines of the main line being the primary and some sort of device that makes it easy to measure as the secondary, in this case a current transformer (CT).
So what is a CT? A current transformer is a type of "instrument transformer" that is designed to provide a current in its secondary which is accurately proportional to the current flowing in its primary.
The current transformers used with the Wattnode transducers produce a 333 mV alternating voltage when the rated current is measured (either 30A, or 50A). The OSI power transducers employ CT's that produce 5V output at rated value.
The current transformers used with the Wattnode transducers produce a 333 mV alternating voltage when the rated current is measured (either 30A, or 50A). The OSI power transducers employ CT's that produce 5V output at rated value.
Current transformers are designed to produce either an alternating current or alternating voltage proportional to the current being measured. Current transformers measure power flow and provide electrical inputs to power transformers and instruments. Current transformers produce an alternating current (or voltage) that is proportional to the measured current.
Insulation voltage represents the maximum insulation that current transformers provide when connected to a power source. Accuracy is the degree of certainty with which the measured current agrees with the ideal value. Burden is the maximum load that devices can support while operating within their accuracy ratings. Typically, burden is expressed in volt-amperes (VA), the product of the voltage applied to a circuit and the current.